But it is a little bit funny.

rock and roll chicks

rock and roll chicks
this is me with spiked hair. It's growing in. Not the greatest picture of me, good one of Cindy but this blog is not all about her!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


This is what happens when you get to be my age. Me, at work, to 25-ish social worker: "Tell the doctor that if she wants any of these patients to be discharged, maybe she should start writing some fucking prescriptions." Social worker smiles, thinking how cute it is that this middle aged woman says fuck all the time. I really thought it would be a few more years before I would start shocking people but apparently not. So I think at age 70, I will become a "ho."

Soon I will write something profound but right now I think there is an episode of Bones on that I have not seen.

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steven tyler in a red sox shirt!!!

steven tyler in a red sox shirt!!!
not bad for an old guy